Wednesday, December 8, 2010

All Things Come to An End

So I wasn't able to do everything that I wanted to do in this city of angels adventure, but at least I got my big toe out the door.  I met some incredible people that I hope to stay in contact with and some wonderful advise from the wise crew.  I definitely had some hard times during my stay but I wont focus on the negative, only on the blessings I have and the ones to come.  I know when I return back home I'm going to have a bigger drive with my dancing and poetry. It defintely can't be all fun and games all the time now, I need to make a schedule/routine and stick to it.
Part of it will be working out, writing a poem a day or a choreographed piece,  meditating/cleansing my soul, taking more dance classes so that I may audition for some agencies that I receieved numbers to.  Research on finding a job that fits me!! and not just another paycheck. Picture what I want to do, accomplish, and set them to make it happen. "Go for it! It's time to move Ember" and that's what I'm going to do. You should do the same!

Much Love and Blessings;
Miss Ember

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