Rejection: [definition-the spurning of a person's affections; The dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc]
I really wish I was less of a thinking man and more of a fool not afraid of rejection
-Billy Joel
I've had a few conversations with friends who look at me like I'm crazy when I've said I've been rejected. Of course the weight of how many times a man is rejected is different from a woman since the usual "tradition" is men approaching women not vice versa nonetheless women get rejected too.
While having these conversations with my friends (male and female) I advise them that I got rejected alot, that I didnt have a boyfriend until college. I was the girl that was the best friend but never could make it to more then friend, which I know everyone has experienced once or several times in their life. Now I too now have rejected men, it could be of many reasons, no attraction, no chemistry, or they were just "trying" too hard, however, what I would like to speak on is HOW I declined their offer to get to know me better. There's no reason to say "ewww" "get outta my face" or be rude to someone for them approaching you especially if they're not being disrespectful AND there's no reason to call a woman a bitch because they did not take you up on your offer either. Rejection is such a huge fear for people because of how people react to it, it's not always the approaching that is the fear.
I'm speaking on this because I had run into some old college acquaintances recently, and as I've said in my previous post of me going through a transformation, their reaction to seeing me now compared to 5 years ago, was nothing close or could compare. One guy in particular I was interested in 5 years ago. I didn't know him, didn't know friends who knew him, total stranger, but he had peaked my interest for whatever reason back in the day. When I had approached him back then, he acted and treated me like I should be "privileged" that he even acknowledged me to say even hello my name the point that after I recognized that, I just walked away... and anytime I saw him I paid no mind. It hurt me back then because I'm like what did I do or maybe NOT do, to not have the chance to just even get a converstaion in with you.
So back to 2011 I see him on the patio with some of his friends, it took him less then 5 seconds to come up to me and say "i know you" I said "i know of you as well" He starts a conversation up with me, and with all my might I wanted to reject him like he did me, but I decided not to, maybe to be the bigger person, but what he was saying wasn't even of any value anyways and from what he was expressing to me he didn't have a good head on his shoulders either. You can blame it on the alcohol, but in any case while looking at him, I see my taste has UPGRADED. I was not even slightly attracted to him, maybe because I remember of how much of an ass he was a few years back, but even then I don't think that was it all either.
In any case I'm sharing this story because it's okay to not want to get to know someone better, because of whatever reasons you may have, but it's all in HOW you do it. Show people who are approaching you with some class and grace, and definitely respect, there is no reason to be rude unless they're being disrespectful or after you being nice they don't understand the words NO thank you. (Men {and women) getting the case of "doing too much" is not attractive)
This is just one of the many rejection stories I've experienced what's yours? Care to share? And did you ever run into them again a few years later? How was that interaction like?
There is one word which may serve as a rule of practice for all one's life-reciprocity.
- Confucius
Stay Blessed and Much Love,
Miss Ember
Speak sista! How bout when even ex BF's who dumped YOU all of a sudden see you years later and wanna be all in your face and you realize..."ugh! what was I thinking????" lol...that has happened a few times...I guess like you said it was the asshole personality that made them ugly afterwards and now thats all you see even if they are fine!
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